Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Top 5 Wednesday: Blue Covers I Own

Top 5 Wednesday is a meme started by Lainey at Ginger Reads Lainey. Find the list of all the #T5WFamily here.

This weeks topic is:

Top 5 Books Blue Covers I Own!

I assume they don't have to be only blue but predominantly blue.
Blue is definitely a colour that has my instant attention when browsing a book store(obviously I shop by covers and spins a lot. I know I'm not the only one). These are my favourites for various reasons, but mostly because they're beautiful and different.

5. The Coral Island

4. The Assassin's Curse

3. The Lost Girls

2. The Assassin's Blade

1. Unhinged

I had a hard time narrowing this list down to five. Turns out I own a lot of pretty blue covers.
How about you guys? What are some of your favourite blue covers?

Happy reading!



  1. What a fun meme! I think I probably have a lot of blue covers as well. I love the covers for The Assassin's Curse and The Lost Girls especially.

  2. Oh I just looooove the Unhinged cover. I need to read that series (it is a series, right?). And the Assassin's Blade. Beautiful, just beautiful.

    1. And I definitely am one of the ones that shops by covers/spines, too. :P

  3. The cover for The Assassins Blade is my favourite. It's so damn beautiful! Unhinged is also extremely beautiful. I looooove the cover for The Assassin's Curse!
    I think my top 3 blue covers would have to be: The Assassin's Blade, These Broken Stars and Siege & Storm. <333

  4. I love this meme! I should switch to doing this one some weeks!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  5. Great covers! The Assassin's Blade is my favourite of them all, I adore that book and that series has such great covers.
