Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Blogging Confessions

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish.

This weeks topic is: 

Top Ten Blogging Confessions!

10. For the most part I don't pre-schedule my posts. I'm one of the biggest procrastinators in everything I do. And blogging is no exception. I either write the post the night before or the morning of the day it's going up. I keep saying I need to get on top of things. But that hasn't and probably won't happen.

9. To much of the time it takes me hours to write a review. I'm easily distracted and if I'm not a getting everything I want to say out easily I'll go find something else to do. I really need to start taking notes well I'm reading. But I can't seem to get into the habit because it takes away from my pace and the book.

8.  I'm a terrible person for not replying back to comments. I understand the commenter doesn't know that I've replied back. But that's besides the point. They took the time to read my post and leave a comment. I need to make the effort to reply.Again, procrastination and being a jerk comes into it.

7. This really isn't a confession(especially because we're all guilty of it) but I over request on Netgalley. And to top it all off I don't know the last Netgalley book I bothered to read. I know there's quite a few not out until the fall, but I've also let to many archive recently.

6. Does this one count? I let my Bloglovin' subs pile up. Which makes me so annoyed. At myself, obviously.

5. Blogging can be overwhelming. And I envy the bloggers that can get a post up every day. But I've just come to realize I am not that person. I really want to be, but with life and being the huge procrastinator I am it's not going to happen. So I need to be happy with the four or five posts I get up a week.

4. This one comes back to writing reviews. I'm really critical of my reviews. I don't think they're all that great. I want to be the person that pounds out this amazing review as soon as they're done the book. I usually jump right into another book and than lets the reviews I should be writing pile up. And of course when it comes to writing said review I've forgotten the book so it gets scarped. And the reviews I get posted leaves me thinking no one reads them anyhow. Which is stupid thinking. Blah.

3. I'm really scared of reading an ARC and hating it. Obviously I'm not going to love every book I read. But it's much worse when it's an ARC I'm posting a bad review for. I feel so guilty.

2. As with most of us, I am beyond overwhelmed with my TBR. When I moved recently I finally did an updated book count and over 300 of my books are un-read. And that's not counting Kindle and E-ARC's. That's really sad. I look at my TBR shelves and it makes me depressed.

1. It seems I'm an excellent editor when it's not my work. My proof reading and editing of my posts is embarrassing.

What are some of your confessions? Hook up your TTT if you did one.

Happy reading!



  1. I let a there/their error stay in once so you're not the only one with self-editing issues! I feel a little guilty for not loving ARCs. I posted one I could barely finish yesterday and I felt awful but I just flat out didn't like it! Great list! I think we have a lot in common! A lot of your confessions I can completely relate too!

  2. I over-request too, it's like a disease or something :D Aaaand my Bloglovin unread is INSANE. In multiple hundreds so far, and it's scary to just go on it and start it. :L At least I can often mark as read because I come see a post through other channels. :D
    I used to blog every day but it made me hate blogging. Now I have a new schedule and it's perfect, I have days off and sometimes they're just what I need.
    3. and 1. are also something I am guilty of. :L Oh well, at least we're not alone :D

  3. I have to take notes when I read -- otherwise I won't remember ANYTHING about the book when I go to review it. I guess that's what happens when you read too much!

  4. I get it to take notes on my favorites. I agree with 9, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1!

  5. I can't imagine not pre-scheduling my posts! I think that I would have a panic attack when I realize I didn't have a post ready! Lol, you are amazing!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  6. I have recently started writing reviews for the books I read (on Goodreads and Amazon). I know just what you mean about not remembering the book when you jump into another read. That's been an issue for me. If I don't start writing about it before I start a new book, the review won't happen. I read a book this weekend and absolutely loved it. However, I was in the car (for 3 hours) and couldn't get my thoughts on it in writing. I really wanted to start another book, but really felt this book (and author) deserved a review. It was a tough 3 hours!

  7. I am so guilty of 10, I can't schedule to save my life. I usually always end up doing my posts the night before as well. I take notes whilst I am reading, but it doesn't seem to help me with writing reviews, haha. I still take quite a while to write them. I am so guilty of hating on my own reviews, I never think they are good enough. I am in a slump right now which is affecting my reading as well as my blogging, I haven't been happy with any review I have written since it started.

