Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Top 5 Wednesday: Books I Wished I'd Read Earlier

Top 5 Wednesday is a meme started by Lainey at Ginger Reads Lainey. Find the list of all the #T5WFamily here.

This weeks topic is:

Top 5 Books I Wished I'd Read Earlier!

5. The Giver

You'll find this as the theme for the first few books mentioned, but for some reason I didn't have to read this in grade school. So I finally picked it a few years ago and I don't get the love for it? I thought it was terribly boring. It was the longest less than 200 page book I've ever read. *hides from thrown objects* But I think if I had read it in my much younger years, I might have got something from it. Apparently in my adult years I don't have the attention span for it.

4. Forever

I read and loved a ton of Judy Blume growning up but Forever was just one I never got to. So I picked it up a few years ago since I've heard it's a staple for teenage love and sex. Like what a shallow, petty book. There was absolutely no depth to their relationship. As an adult I don't see how this book would have made an impact on a teenage girl. But if I had read it in my earlier teenage years, I think I would have found the appeal. *shrugs*

3. The Perks of Being A Wallflower

I don't hate The Perks but I am far from one of its loyal followers. Again, another book I only picked up a few years ago. And another one that didn't really resonate with my adult self. I do think that had I read this at fourteen it would have had an impact on me. I would have been able to relate to Charlie a lot more.

2. Vampire Academy

Oh, Vampire Academy. Unfortunately the cheesy covers, title and vampires kept me away from this series until last year. After I came out of my Twilight haze six years ago I kind of dismissed most series focusing on vampires. I had heard a lot of fantastic praise for VA though. I just didn't believe it. So I stayed away. Until I finally binge read the series in the span of a week last summer. And than I came to understand that I was stupid for judging the series. I'm extremely happy to have been able to binge it, but I'm also a little disappointed that I've only been in the VA fandom for the last year. I could have had so many more years with it.

1. Anna and the French Kiss

I'm not a newb to the Stephanie Perkins love. But I put off picking up Anna for about a year after it was first published. I saw it in the bookstore every week I went in. It's cheesy cover and even cheesier title staring at me. But over the year the praise just continued to increase. Of course I finally caved with no expectations. Thinking everyone be cray cray. Obviously I was wrong. I love Anna and Lola even more. I'm just a little sad because I could have been one of those very first readers to discover this jem. And now I'm definitely one of those readers eagerly anticipating Isla for the past few years.  

Happy reading!



  1. I so agree that I wish I read Anna and Vampire Academy a long time ago instead of just months ago!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  2. Great picks! I tried to read Forever once and had to give up on it, I did not get what all the fuss was about at all. That book was just awful and so was the supposed romance in it. VA is one I have put off because of the horrid covers and titles but I have recently purchased the first 3 and plan to binge read the whole series. I hope I end up absolutely loving it! :)

  3. I didn't read all but I came to VA fandom late as well and wished I'd be in it sooner! I did catch up super fast because I love them :D
    I read Perks 2 years ago, a little late as well.
    I have yet to read The Giver, am so excited for it! :)
